Some Recommended Reading

Aleksander, Igor & Helen Morton (2007) Depictive Architectures for Synthetic Phenomenology. In Artificial Consciousness, 67-81, ed. Antonio Chella & Riccardo Manzotti (2007), Imprint Academic.

Bunt, Harry C., and William J. Black (Eds.) (2000) Abduction, Belief and Context in Dialogue: Studies in Computational Pragmatics. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Chalmers, David J. (1995) Facing Up to the Problem of Consciousness. Journal of Consciousness Studies, 2, 3, 200-219.

Deutsch, David. (2011) The Beginning of Infinity – Explanations that Transform the World. New York, NY: Viking Penguin.

Evans, Vyvyan, and Melanie Green. (2006) Cognitive Linguistics – An Introduction. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Fauconnier, Gilles. (1994) Mental Spaces: Aspects of Meaning Construction in Natural Language. Cambridge University Press.

Fauconnier, Gilles, and Mark Turner. (2002) The Way We Think – Conceptual Blending and the Mind’s Hidden Complexities. Basic Books.

Ford, Martin. (2009) The Lights in the Tunnel – Automation, Accelerating Technology and the Economy of the Future. Acculant Publishing.

Gärdenfors, Peter. (1995) Three levels of inductive inference. Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics, 134: 427-449. Elsevier.

Gärdenfors, Peter. (2000) Conceptual Spaces: The Geometry of Thought. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Jackendoff, Ray. (1989) What is a concept that a mind may grasp it? Mind & Language, 4 (1 and 2): 68-102. Wiley-Blackwell.

Jackendoff, Ray. (1992) Languages of the Mind – Essays on Mental Representation, MIT Press.

Kappenman, John G. (2012) A perfect storm of planetary proportions. IEEE Spectrum, February 2012.

Leontief, Wassily. (1983a) Technological advance, economic growth, and the distribution of income. Population and Development Review, 9, 3, 403-410.

Leontief, Wassily. (1983b) National perspective: the definition of problems and opportunities. In The Long-Term Impact of Technology on Employment and Unemployment, 3-7. National Academy of Engineering Symposium, June 30, 1983. National Academy Press, Washington, D. C.

McCarthy, John, Marvin L. Minsky, Nathaniel Rochester, and Claude E. Shannon. (1955) “A proposal for the Dartmouth Summer Research Project on Artificial Intelligence” in Ronald Chrisley and Sander Begeer, eds. (2000) Artificial Intelligence: Critical Concepts in Cognitive Science, 2: 44-53. Routledge Publishing.

Newell, Allen. (1990) Unified Theories of Cognition. Harvard University Press.

Nilsson, Nils J. (1983) Artificial intelligence and the need for human labor. IJCAI8,

Nilsson, Nils J. (1984) Artificial intelligence, employment, and income. AI Magazine,
5, 2, 5-14.

Picard, Rosalind W. (2007) Toward machines with emotional intelligence. In Gerald Matthews, Moshe Zeidner, and Richard D. Roberts (eds) The Science of Emotional Intelligence : Knowns and Unknowns: 396-416. Oxford University Press.

Pinker, Steven. (1994) The Language Instinct. HarperCollins Publishers.

Pinker, Steven. (1997) How The Mind Works. W. W. Norton & Company.

Pinker, Steven.  (2018) Enlightenment Now: The Case for Reason, Science, Humanism, and Progress. Penguin Random House.

Rosenbloom, Paul S. (2012) On Computing: The Fourth Great Scientific Domain. MIT Press.

Simon, H. A. (1962) The architecture of complexity. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 106 ( 6): 467-482.

Sowa, John F. (1984) Conceptual Structures: Information Processing in Mind and Machine. Addison-Wesley, Reading, Mass.

Sowa, John F. (1999) Knowledge Representation: Logical, Philosophical and Computational Foundations. Brooks/Cole Publishing

Sowa, John F. (2007) Fads and fallacies about logic. IEEE Intelligent Systems, March 2007, 22 (2): 84-87.

Sloman, Aaron, and Jackie Chappell. (2008) What evolved first: Languages for communicating? or Languages for thinking?

Wilson, Deirdre, and Dan Sperber. (2012) Meaning and Relevance. Cambridge University Press.

Wray, L. Randall. (1988) Understanding Modern Money: The Key to Full Employment and Price Stability. New Economic Institute.

Yudkowsky, Eliezer (2007) Levels of Organization in General Intelligence. In Artificial General Intelligence, Goertzel & Pennachin (2007), 389-501.
